guild of the cowry catchers

TRATWD 103 – Abigail Hilton

jager-thunderIn this week’s interview I talk to Abigail Hilton about her new novel, Jager Thunder, which is on sale now! This is a wonderful book, and if you’re a fan of The Guild of the Cowry Catchers, you owe it to yourself to pick up a copy. We also talk quite a bit about the business side of writing.

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Posted by chriswlester in The Raven and the Writing Desk

The Raven & the Writing Desk, Episode 43: Marketing Strategies for Writers, with Abigail Hilton

Abbie Hilton Chibi, by Rah Cloutier

Abbie Hilton Chibi, by Rah Cloutier

Abigail Hilton has attracted a fervent audience of thousands of readers and listeners with her fantasy series The Prophet of Panamindorah, The Guild of the Cowry Catchers, and Hunters Unlucky. (Full disclosure: I’m one of them.) I sat down with Abbie to discuss the strategies she has used to get the word out about her books, grow her audience, and turn a profit on her writing career.

Abigail Hilton’s Website

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TRATWD 043 – Marketing Strategies for Writers, With Abigail Hilton

Posted by chriswlester in The Raven and the Writing Desk